Croatia's official submission for the 2004 Academy Awards for Best Foreign-Language Film, THE LONG DARK NIGHT is an emotional portrait of an entire country caught in the devastation of WWII, and the consequences brought onto one small village of Croatians of German ethnic background during the 1940's – 1950’s. Iva (Goran Visnjić), a college student devoted to his family and fri......
Steve is a successful businessman in Dallas. One day he receives a letter from his old friend Eric i...
《想见你》在前,大家口味儿都被养高了,天才基本法只是套了个穿越的壳子,灌输「努力是有用的」,普通人你使劲儿努力吧,这辈子可以追到人家天才起跑线,下辈子你能追上人天才小学,除了首周奥数营那段可看,往后都是违穿越和违数学,后面比赛更注水。花卷儿是个好同学好盆友。Not everything that counts can be counted,and not everything that can be counted counts.(并非所有重要的东西都计算得清楚,也并非所有计算得清楚的东西都重要。爱因斯坦把这句话挂在他在普林斯顿大学的办公室内)