Valentina, a 6-year-old girl, has just lost her mother. To face the maternal absence, she creates a fictional planet in the garden of the house of her neighbor, Cecília. Her world is shaken by the arrival of Francisco, a 15-year-old Argentine boy, Cecília's grandson. The meeting between the two ends up arousing jealousy in Valentina's father, Antônio, and bringing up discussion......
没盘尼西林的话前十集我能给五星,米未捧此队的决定真是太“成年人只看利弊”了。然后痛仰唱着十年不变的编排和旧歌也能复活拿第二再扣一星,唯一憋出的一首新歌只想说shame on you. 此外,本节目捧出来的头号流量带来的坏榜样是,他变相证明了在艺术圈生态下"看人下菜碟"的可行:对自己有用的前辈和权势人物可劲儿跪舔,把混社会那一套情商逻辑全用上;然后用可劲儿欺负压榨“弱者”,来凹出自己的个性/摇滚明星/艺术家人设——利用两个阶层之间的壁垒去投机,并总有既得利益者替你背书。真是独属于艺术圈向上爬的成功学啊。...