The omniscient late Syrian president Hafez El Assad is the subject of Ali Cherri's cunning docu-collage Pipe Dreams, which unearths a historic phone call between the eternal leader and Syrian astronaut Mohammad Fares, at a time when statues of El Assad were being dismantled as a precaution during recent upheavals....
这剧挺恶心的,原本的故事就非常裹小脚裹小脑,剧改编又加了很多girl help girl,竭力想弱化很多雌竞,夫人们都对自己丈夫没啥感情(比如老三的节气姑娘们)。不认同原小说,那为啥要改编呢?想来想去,只能说是,既想留住妻道雌竞爱好者,也想留住所谓的女权er。真恶心这部剧。新剧情更恶心了,女主没有自己独立的线,男主倒是有一条饱满的亲情线(亲妈、弟)、感情线、事业线,这算哪门子甜宠啊。正妻来了又怎样,女主的理想难道是做一个合格的正室吗?...