一个年轻男人患有健忘症,于是在病毒完全扩散之前,他不得不挖掘大脑深处的信息,来探索自己是谁,并且拯救他生命中所爱的人。 Adam jolts awake inside a boarded up infirmary with no recollection of who he is or how he ended up here. With threatening sounds penetrating from the outside, Adam has no choice but to reach deep into his memories to try and piece together what has happened to him. With the help of mementos he finds, Adam starts to ......
这是一部难得一见且优秀的女性群像剧,即便它披着厚重的犯罪悬疑外衣,但对于女性自我追求和生存意义的探讨这一抹底色依旧耀眼夺目,就像剧名所示:Light The Night!故事剧本足够扎实且有亮点,悬念和铺设也做到层层递进了,一众主演配角演技均在线,特别是林心如和杨谨华的对戏有够精彩和炸裂的。第一季整体质量很高,评分打到8.5分也是没问题的。