- 标签:
- 恐怖
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Elle Millie
- 主演:
- Thomas Webb / Kaden Christie / Ella Garland
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- In 1993 a time of radical movies and music Chuck and his family live an old house where everything is good he has a camera and many tapes. He thought feels something is off with the house and his sister thinks he is just pranking her. He then starts acting strange to further the prank even more. After a while though she thinks he might not be playing a prank and that he might b......
- 主演:
- Thomas Webb / Kaden Christie / Ella Garland
- 类型:
- 悬疑
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 3
- 简介:
- “就因为我是女的,单身,年纪又大了,所以理所应当被牺牲是吗?”...
- 评论:
- 这哪是悬疑剧,这是悬浮剧,真的不是是潘蜀黍都救不了的剧。自媒体扛着相机森林里追警匪枪战,反派头目美女助理商战刑侦跟踪估计后面还得是超级女杀手吧,大白天,看三集,睡三次
- 不是很懂悬疑剧在第一集片头序幕就把事由、核心谜底、反派包括片名意指全交代了的迷惑行为,看啥呢请问?但凡涉案,本质是猫鼠游戏捉迷藏,哪怕是主旋律扫黑反腐也要藏吧……片方不会沾沾自喜觉得大家可以看全知视角下的拉扯吧,幽默哦。悬疑、犯罪、警匪、刑侦几个类型在国内的区分乱七八糟,侧面反映行业内也没多少人搞清楚什么叫类型叙事,类型化比工业化还任重道远。