A selection of Prince's performances on the show were shown in honor of his death earlier that week, which was hosted by Jimmy Fallon. Included were his performances during the Season 6 episode hosted by Charlene Tilton, the 15th Anniversary Special, the Season 31 episode hosted by Steve Martin, and the Season 40 episode hosted by Chris Rock, as well as a performance of "Let's ......
George Orwell wrote that in a repressive political system every joke is a "tiny revolution." Jokes w...
越到后面越差。文华人设好唔合理,矛盾,一个大奸大恶既毒贩,无啦啦就话当哑仔两兄妹系屋企人。警察水平太低,从来未主动破案,一味靠叶浩天系度估估下。madam仲衰,人地都话剪蓝色,偏偏要剪红色,搞死自己。另外,同样系经常出现系剧入面既主题曲,使徒行者既越难越爱会火,呢部既can you see一响起,弹幕都系度发烂渣,感情线写得差咪就系咁咯。结局马国明既出现莫名其妙……