Confession Noun A formal statement of one s sins with repentance and desire of absolution; often intimate personal revelations. Repentance is futile. In our latest collection of gay short films we expose private lives, uncover secrets and present a choice - to conceal or to confess? Within these nine stories, a hustler spends the night with a mysterious stranger, a football pla......
fake it till you make it,看书的时候就很喜欢这种态度,不带有批判的眼光和色彩,尊重每个人装的权利,赋予装正向的意义,不管是人设还是剧情上都看到了人性真实的写照,和创作者对人的极大包容。我个人最喜欢的其实是对人物的刻画,在都市中迷惘、在物欲横流中短暂的迷失再找回自己,人物都不是绝对的道德正确、也想过寻求生活的捷径,但最后依旧守住了自己的底线和心中的一方净土。