An American reporter in Japan is sent to interview an eccentric Japanese scientist working on bizarre experiments in his mountain laboratory. When the doctor realizes that the hapless correspondent is the perfect subject for his next experiment, he drugs the unfortunate man and injects him with a serum that gradually transforms him into a hideous, two-headed monster....
陈正道以后就拍网剧吧,比他拍电影好看,更适合他那些奇奇怪怪的鬼点子,细节尺度上也能宽容一点。另一个版本的《三十而已》,疫情、美食、职场、情感混搭出奇妙口味。虽然有些刻意地包装进一些婚恋新闻的网络热议,仿佛写剧本时已经想好怎么冲热搜,但这种最快时效下的都市女性议题呈现还是有效&有一定价值的。起初看海报觉得这三个女主吸引力一般,没想到所有选角都非常合适,王菊张含韵好像量身定制,王菊演技最惊喜,小演员跟长大后都很神似。一些戏中戏、视频平台自嘲、故意出戏、跟演员的其他身份联动的梗都挺有意思。最后一集好好哭T T 就是20集太短了,希望还有下一季