An anthropologist from an alien planet provides voice-over commentary for a documentary look at human courtship, mating, and reproduction: "complex, perverse, tragically beautiful: the earthbound human." The commentary gets some of the details comically wrong (explaining the slap on a newborn's back: "they don't like the looks of the child so they beat it"), but gets right the ......
贫贱不能移的人品,努力扎实的工作态度和专业素养,灵活冷静的应变能力,面对艰难困苦,行动力极强从不抱怨,坚定要活得很好,把身边的人爱得更好,因此她收获了爱情和友谊。书法画画数年吃素抄血经刷恭桶,她都认真去做,感情一旦move on 绝不回头,她不是开了金手指,她自己就是金手指。这部剧没有一个废掉的人物和注水剧情,细见真善美,能被富察皇后的人格魅力吸引,面瘫如傅恒的牺牲会戳中我,竟然也能爱上最没资格谈专情的皇帝,尔晴春望的疯魔可怜,坏事做尽的娴妃,狠毒跋扈的高贵妃让我爱恨真切,久不能平静。爱从不是奢侈的东西,可有些人偏得不到,走向了偏执毁灭,还要骗别人掉眼泪。