Outrageous skate video introduced the world to Bam Margera, the insane, parent hassling daredevil that would gain fame for risking life and limb on MTV's Jackass series. Includes a very chaotic trip to Iceland, some rather disgusting fecal footage, a some furniture surfing on the highway, and a demonstration of how to destroy a rental car and get off scott free. Written by Reel......
好尴尬的封建大婆味,还非要掺点girls help girls的时尚单品。这部剧的爽点不会是在炫耀“我能管住我老公”“我老公为我浪子回头”吧?从婆婆一脸过来人的语气说教女主,到女主看似“威风凛凛”去青楼,都有一种浓浓的裹脚布臭味,差点就把“哼我家我管钱,婆婆公公最宠我,老公听我的话”的娇妻样写成大字报贴我脸上了。你们爱看看吧,我先告辞了🤢🤮