诗歌在美国 第二季 Poetry in America Season 2(2020)
- 标签:
- 类型:
- 电视剧
- 导演:
- Elisa New
- 主演:
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- Poetry in America, created and directed by Harvard professor Elisa New, is a public television series and multi-platform educational initiative that brings poetry into classrooms and living rooms around the world. In partnership with Harvard, Poetry in America offers free online courses for global learners as well as for-credit and professional development courses for undergrad......
- 主演:
- 类型:
- 戏曲
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 8
- 简介:
- 好久没看到这么舒适的电视剧了,演的自然,故事又温情,感觉回到了那段时光,期待更多这样的作品,真实接近生活,创作就应该贴近生活才会更有生命力...
- 评论:
- 很多好剧都要撑过前几集。。真奇怪。北京味儿真浓,好玩。
- 好看,真的蛮好看的。小演员绝了,年纪不大,演得灵动极了,(衬得关晓彤的演技更尴尬了)。美中不足的,结局甩得有点稀里糊涂的,就像是为了给秦川找一个非出国不可的理由,才又把茬架、校园霸凌(甚至始作俑者丝毫没有承担责任呢)搬了上来。讲真,胡同里天天晃荡着李强这么个青年,家大人都不带提点几句的吗?总之就是设计感重了些,能看出还是人为在推动故事发展。不过就是如此我也能预感小时候估计会比长大后的评分高个两分吧…光看预告就很难对长大后有多少期待。