我的朋友拉希德 আমার বন্ধু রাশেদ(2011)
- 标签:
- 战争
- 类型:
- 电影
- 导演:
- Morshedul Islam
- 主演:
- Chowdhury Zawata Afnan / Raisul Islam Asad
- 评分:
- 9
- 剧情:
- My Friend Rashed is the story of 1971 liberation war seen through the eyes of a young boy. The backdrop happens to be a remote small town, and the characters are a few students of a school. Rashed, the central character, suddenly appears in the school one day. His real name is not Rashed, it is a given name by his teacher along with some of the students. When the small boys fai......
- 主演:
- Chowdhury Zawata Afnan / Raisul Islam Asad
- 类型:
- 武侠
- 地区:
- 暂无
- 评分:
- 6
- 简介:
- 从2021《在他乡》,2022《三悦》,2023《装腔》,三年看了李漠导演三部剧,都是女性主义视角的都市剧,配乐,运镜选题风格都不同,从女性群像到特殊职业殡仪馆,再到律师投行“装腔”生活,把这个行业拍的不悬浮已经很难得,且第八集真的拍的特别好,权力的倾轧,烧仓房。蔡文静韩东君选角特别好,刚看了2018的韩东君的程铮,两个角色差异很大。最后的结语特别好,“自由自在的活着,才是最有腔调的事情”'配角的塑造也特别好看。#2023电视剧52,评分:B+。...
- 评论:
- 没有点题,还是披着羊皮的狼
- 我真不能理解,分是怎么打上来的