Imagine that as time continues into the future, the past starts to unravel, with various points in history coming out all wrong. Abe Lincoln leaves his presidency to pull pranks, Eli Whitney invents flesh-eating robots instead of the cotton gin, Beethoven becomes a professional wrestler, and Cleopatra wants to turn the pyramids into shopping malls. Enter Time Squad, who travel ......
fake it till you make it,看书的时候就很喜欢这种态度,不带有批判的眼光和色彩,尊重每个人装的权利,赋予装正向的意义,不管是人设还是剧情上都看到了人性真实的写照,和创作者对人的极大包容。我个人最喜欢的其实是对人物的刻画,在都市中迷惘、在物欲横流中短暂的迷失再找回自己,人物都不是绝对的道德正确、也想过寻求生活的捷径,但最后依旧守住了自己的底线和心中的一方净土。